
Occult Knowledge

Father, give me understanding of the devices of the enemy. Increase my knowledge of witchcraft and the occult, that I may use this knowledge against the enemy.

Expose the Devil’s lies to me, O Lord. Give me great discernment when I am gathering knowledge of the occult. Let me see through the lies of the enemy and let me arrive at the truth.

Lord, use my knowledge of the occult as a weapon against the enemy. Arm Your angels with the knowledge that I have acquired, that they may use this knowledge against Satan and the principalities of darkness.

Through my knowledge of the occult, I have obtained several of its keys. Yeshua, my Lord, I give all of these keys to You, that You may use these keys to destroy the occult system created by Satan and the fallen angels.

Father, please rescue those who have been indoctrinated into witchcraft. Give them space to repent, O Lord, and rescue them out of the occult. If possible, save even the fallen angels (those who can be saved), for they too have been deceived by Satan.

O Lord, protect Your children against all forms of witchcraft and sorcery. Let all sorceries be returned unto the sorcerers; let the swords of the wicked pierce their own hearts.


Victory through Christ

Guide me in my studies, O Lord. I wish to study the enemy, that I may know his devices and not be foiled by them.

Let me overcome all the tricks of the Devil, for he has left many snares to make me stumble.

I have victory over the enemy through the work of the cross, for Yeshua obtained victory over the enemy through His death and resurrection. I share this victory in Christ through His blood.

Authority over the enemy has been given unto me through the blood of Yeshua, for royal authority is passed through the blood. Yeshua inherits His royal authority from the Father, making Him the prince over all creation.

I am made a king under Yeshua, for He is the King of kings and I inherit His royal authority. With my kingly authority, I establish the law of God throughout the nations, that all people may follow His law and bow down to Him.

The plans of the enemy have been foiled. The enemy has conspired against me, wanting to take my life. However, my Lord, Yeshua HaMashiach, has been my refuge, protecting me from all my enemies. Though the enemy wished to take my life, Yeshua stepped in and delivered me from my enemies. At times, I felt the malevolent presence of the fallen angels all around me and they wished death upon me, but I prayed for protection and the Lord sent them away.

I will not be afraid of my enemies, though they may encompass me about, for the Lord is my shield and my high tower. I take refuge in the Lord and I am made safe. My feet are upon solid ground; my feet are upon the rock of the Lord. I shall not stumble and the enemy shall not overtake me.


Father, Protect Your Children

Let the council of the Antichrist be turned into foolishness, O Lord.

Father, protect Your children. Protect them from the Antichrist’s spies. Do not let the enemy spy on us, O Lord. Send forth Your angels to cut off the wicked.

Yeshua, put an end to the diabolical technologies of the wicked. Let their technologies fail them.

Put an end to their thievery, O Lord. Do not let the wicked steal from Your children.

I plead the blood of Yeshua over all my possessions. Use my possessions for Your glory, O Lord.

I apply the blood of Yeshua to my door posts. Let my habitation belong to the Lord. Let me be continually protected.

The blood of Yeshua is upon me for I have accepted His sacrifice. The blood of Yeshua paid the price of my life and I am bought out of slavery to sin. I belong to Yeshua; I am not my own. The debt of my sins is cleared through the blood of Yeshua, for I have accepted His new testament spoken of at the Last Supper.

I overcome Satan through the blood of the Lamb and by the word of my testimony.

O Lord, deliver me from all the traps and snares of the enemy. Let me escape with my life, that I might sing Your praises day and night in the great congregation.

Do not let the wicked succeed, O Lord. Let them fall into their own pits. Let them be ensnared by the work of their own hands.


Lord of my Life

O Lord, help me fulfill Your will for my life.

Let me continually put Your kingdom before me each and every day.

Help me manifest Your kingdom upon the earth.

Lord, let Your light shine upon my city, that there should be no wickedness within it. Let Your angels drive out the workers of iniquity. Send forth Your laborers to spread forth the message of the gospel.

Let me conquer with each step that I take.

Turn my mind into a weapon, O Lord, and use me to destroy the works of the devil.

Let me spend each minute of each day focused on Your will for my life. Do not let me waste my time on unfruitful matters. Let Your purpose for my life be continually fulfilled.

Anoint me with the oil of joy, O Lord, and let me always take joy in fulfilling Your will.

Yeshua, be King over me. Be my Lord and subdue my thoughts into obedience towards You. Let Your word be established within my mind, that my actions may be in accord with Your will.

Be the Lord of my life, O King of Israel.


A Prayer of Spiritual Warfare

O Lord, I desire to help You in the destruction of the works of the wicked, for it is written:

“He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” (1 John 3:8)

Help me, O Lord, that I may help You destroy the works of the devil.

Send Your angels to minister unto me, that they may protect me and that they may cut down my enemies.

Give me the weapons I need to help destroy Babylon the Great, for I desire to repay her for her wickedness (Revelation 18:6-7). Let Your holy fire utterly burn and consume Babylon the Great, for great are her sins, as it is written “For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.” (Revelation 18:5)

Teach me what I need to know in order to conquer Satan’s kingdom. Let me overcome Satan through the blood of the Lamb and by the word of my testimony.

Let Your holy law be established within the church of Satan; let death be the penalty for sin, as it is written in Your holy word.

Hear my prayers, O Lord. I pray for the wicked to come to the light, that they repent of their wicked ways and turn themselves to You. Give the wicked space to repent, O Lord, for many have been fooled by the devices of Satan.

Let the church of Satan be turned into foolishness. Let it collapse under the weight of its false doctrines.

Strike fear into the wicked kings and rulers of this world, O Lord. Let them tremble before You.

I trust that you will put an end to the Antichrist, that he will be sent to the lake of fire, as it is written.

Let all sorceries come to an end, O Lord. Give the sorcerers space to repent, and if they repent not, send them into the lake of fire, as it is written: “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)