
A Prayer for Knowledge

O Father, it is You Who I come to to receive knowledge and wisdom. It is knowledge and wisdom that I seek and it is You Who are the fount of knowledge and wisdom. All truth comes from You and all knowledge flows from Your being.

Give me the knowledge I require to fight against my enemies; my enemies who use occult sorcery against me. Let me know of their ways, that I may bring them into destruction for their wickedness. Hand me the keys of the occult and I shall use them to cut off all forms of sorcery; that this sorcery may never again be used against Your children.

O Lord, give me the knowledge I need to operate in my fullness, that I may bring much glory to You and Your kingdom through my works. Teach me how to glorify You, O Lord. Teach me to sing, teach me to dance, teach me how to compose music which glorifies Your kingdom! Guide my hand to write and I shall glorify You in all that I write.

O Lord, I desire to learn of the things which You have hidden from all those except the ones closest to You. Teach me of the hidden things and I shall be forever grateful. I shall use my knowledge for the glorification of You and Your kingdom.

By Kevin

As a highly creative individual, I have made countless creations in all kinds of media throughout my life. As a teen, I took up the study of music, which became my primary passion for several years. In recent years, however, I have been engrossed in biblical studies and of spiritual self-growth; a passion which began sometime near the end of 2019. Ever since then, I have found my true calling in life: to do the will of God by spreading His word.