Send them away, O Lord, those who perform great wickedness in Your sight. You are a God Who loves righteousness and Who hates wickedness, therefore, let the wicked be turned away and sent into outer darkness. Let the wicked fall by their own councils.
Righteousness has no fellowship with wickedness, just as truth has no fellowship with falsehoods.
O Lord, reconcile to You those that do good; those who keep Your commandments, that they may have right to the Tree of Life which is in the midst of Your holy city, the New Jerusalem; the Garden of Eden restored. Clothe Your people with the robes of righteousness. But for the wicked, tear away that which they have stolen and leave them naked. Send them out into outer darkness and cut them off from Your people.
Separate the sheep and the goats; the sheep at Your right hand, the goats on Your left. Say to the wicked, “I never knew you”, and send them away. But as for the righteousness, draw them ever nearer unto You and allow them access into Your holy city, the New Jerusalem. Let the righteous be established for ever and ever, for the council of God stands forever. But for the wicked, let their council be fated for everlasting destruction.