
A Prayer for Knowledge

O Father, it is You Who I come to to receive knowledge and wisdom. It is knowledge and wisdom that I seek and it is You Who are the fount of knowledge and wisdom. All truth comes from You and all knowledge flows from Your being.

Give me the knowledge I require to fight against my enemies; my enemies who use occult sorcery against me. Let me know of their ways, that I may bring them into destruction for their wickedness. Hand me the keys of the occult and I shall use them to cut off all forms of sorcery; that this sorcery may never again be used against Your children.

O Lord, give me the knowledge I need to operate in my fullness, that I may bring much glory to You and Your kingdom through my works. Teach me how to glorify You, O Lord. Teach me to sing, teach me to dance, teach me how to compose music which glorifies Your kingdom! Guide my hand to write and I shall glorify You in all that I write.

O Lord, I desire to learn of the things which You have hidden from all those except the ones closest to You. Teach me of the hidden things and I shall be forever grateful. I shall use my knowledge for the glorification of You and Your kingdom.


End Times Warrior

I am Thy end times warrior, my Father.

Thou hast prepared me with Thy Word to do battle in these perilous time.

Thou hast prepared me to do battle against the fallen angels and against demons.

Thou hast put on me Thy armour:

The belt of truth,

The breastplate of righteousness,

The helmet of salvation,

The shoes of the gospel of peace,

The shield of faith,

And the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Thou hast opened Thy armories to me, that I may do battle against Thy foes.

O Lord, let the enemy fall into the same pit which they have dug for me.

Let my enemy pierce their own hearts with their own swords.

Let my enemy become entangled in the work of their own hands.

Let Babylon the Great fall and let me take part in her destruction. Let me repay her for her wickedness done to me.

Arm me with Thy weapons of warfare and I shall go valiantly into battle.

Give me a sign and I shall go into war.

I am awaiting on Thy call, O Lord.

Guide my steps, O Lord, that I may fight against the enemy day after day.


A Prayer for Protection

O Lord, protect me from those who desire to do wicked things against me. Protect me from those who desire my hurt.

Protect me from the wicked individuals who conspire and plot against me. Protect me from those who wish to take my life. Send forth your guardian angels to keep me safe. O Lord, be a shield about me and be my high tower, that the enemy shall not prevail against me.

Cut off those individuals who spy on me and who mark my steps. Cut off those who eavesdrop on my conversation. Protect me from all sorcery which the wicked casts against me.

O Lord, let my enemies fall into the nets which they have hid for me. Into that very destruction, let them fall. Let the swords of my enemies pierce their own hearts. Lord, send forth Your arrows to pierce the hearts of Your enemies. Cut off the wicked and send them into outer darkness.


A Prayer for the Destruction of the Antichrist

O Lord, it is written in Your word that the Antichrist shall not prevail, that he shall have his part in the lake of fire along with Satan and the false prophet.

Though the satanic rulers of this world, those who work in darkness, shall conspire against You and Your anointed people, they shall not succeed. The satanic rulers of this world shall be judged for their transgressions, for they have rejected Your endless mercies and have chosen their own path to destruction.

You shall spare Your children Your wrath, for You will not let Your children take the mark of the beast. Those who take the mark of the beast and worship the beast and his image shall have the wrath of God poured out upon them, for it is written:

“And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.” – Revelation 14:9-11

O Lord, let not the Antichrist prevail. Let him be cut off and sent into the lake of fire burning with brimstone. Let His armies be destroyed by the sword which proceeds out of Your mouth. Let not the wicked prevail. Come, Lord Yeshua, and make haste to gather Your church and to defend the church against the powers of darkness.


A Prayer for the Destruction of Babylon

O Lord, judge that great harlot who was corrupted the earth, with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication. Judge her for her false doctrines which have polluted the earth and have caused many to go astray, leading many to go a whoring after lesser gods and their false doctrines and abominable religious practices.

All those who love the false doctrines of Babylon shall be cut off and cast into outer darkness, for it is written: “For without [those outside the New Jerusalem] are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.” – Revelation 22:15”

God will not allow His holy city, the New Jerusalem, to be defiled with the false doctrines of the lesser gods. Therefore, He shall harshly judge the Great Whore, who went whoring after lesser gods and their doctrines. All those who love false doctrines shall have no part in the New Jerusalem.

O Lord, judge the Great Whore of Babylon for her transgressions. Let her be met with death, plagues, and famine. O Lord, utterly burn Babylon the Great with fire, for great is Your wrath against her, for You have remembered her iniquities. Save Your people, O Lord, that they may come out of Babylon and be spared of her plagues.


Prepare Me for Battle

O Lord, be my battle shield and my sword. Equip me with Your armour so that I may go valiantly into battle against the forces of spiritual wickedness.

Equip me with the helmet of salvation, the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel, and the shield of faith. Let me wield the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. O Lord, teach me and guide me how to use Your word as a weapon against Your foes. Let me wield Your word as a weapon, that with it I may tear down demonic strongholds and fight against the principalities of darkness.

I am Your end times warrior, O Lord. Equip me for battle and I shall go into the world and fight against Your enemies who are the forces of wickedness in high places.


A Prayer of Protection Against Occult Forces

O Lord, protect me from the the forces of the occult. Protect me from all demonic influence. Protect me from Satan and his fallen angels. Let all schemes of darkness against me crumble. Let my enemies fall by their own councils. Into the net which they have hid for me, let themselves fall. Let my enemies be pierced by they own swords.

O Lord, You are a mighty and just God. Therefore, You will not let the wicked prevail in their schemes. Though the satanic rulers of the earth take council against You, conspiring against You and Your anointed people, You shall laugh at them, for You see the day in which they fall. O Lord, cut off the wicked and send them into outer darkness.

All sorcerers shall have their part in the lake of fire, for it is written: “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” – Revelation 21:8

Therefore, all you who practice sorcery and witchcraft beware, for the path you have chosen is the path to destruction. Sorcery is abominable in the eyes of God and He shall cut off all those who practice it.


A Prayer for the Forgiveness of Sin

O Lord, I put my trust in Thee to save me. The labours of my hands cannot suffice to save me from my sins. I am not saved by works but through my faith in You and Your Son. My works cannot compare to the works of Thy Son, Who on the cross bared the burden of my sins and paid the penalty of sin for me. I trust in the words of Thy Son, that through the eating of His flesh and through the drinking of His blood, I am saved and have eternal life.

Let me not be saved through works but through faith. May Your endless mercies pardon me for my many sins so that I may be saved through grace, not works. The labours of my hands cannot fulfill the demands of Your perfect and holy Law.

O Lord, I trust in Your holy Word, that I may be saved through the work of Your Son, Whose precious blood was poured out for the remission of sin. May the debt of my sin be cancelled through Yeshua’s blood payment on the cross.

I shall remain forever grateful for the sacrifice of Your Son, Yeshua HaMashiach.


The Identity of the Whore of Babylon

This is the identity of Babylon: Babylon represents every city and every person who follows in the footsteps of ancient Babylon by adopting the doctrine of the fallen angels. Throughout the Bible, we see that a group of people are defined by their beliefs. And thus, everyone who does not believe in the word of God inevitably adopts the doctrine of Babylon. Babylon is everyone who isn’t in Christ’s church. There are only two groups of people: the Church and Babylon; the wheat and the tares; the sheep and the goats; the children of God and the children of Satan; the saved and the unsaved.

Within the Bible we find the concept of “spiritual fornication”. This fornication occurs when someone accepts the doctrine of the fallen angels as truth. The Whore of Babylon is a whore because she has adopted the religious practices of the fallen angels. This all began in the Garden, when Eve chose to believe Satan’s false doctrine of “sin doesn’t lead to death”. Everyone who adopts the practices of the Whore becomes part of Babylon.


The Whore and the Church

This is a spiritual principle within the Bible: a certain group of people is defined by their beliefs. If a group of people all believe in the same thing, they can be said to be one. This is the principle of personification: this group of people can be personified as one person. See Ezekiel 16 for instance, where Jerusalem/Israel is personified as a woman. This woman is defined by the shared belief of Israel; their shared belief in the God of Israel. Exactly as Ezekiel 16 describes, this woman becomes a whore when she fornicates with the lesser gods of foreign nations and peoples, namely of the lesser gods of the Assyrians and Egypt. To fornicate with a lesser god (that is, a fallen angel) is to accept their seed. The seed of a lesser god is their doctrine (their set of beliefs). Israel became a whore by adopting the traditions, customs, beliefs, and religious practices of the lesser gods.

The Whore of Babylon follows the exact same spiritual principles as these. The Whore represents the world at large (made clear by Revelation 17:15, 18:3, and 19:2) which has adopted the doctrine of the fallen angels (which is all doctrine contrary to the word of God). The Whore represents everyone who is not Christ’s church, for everyone outside the church has adopted the doctrine of Satan. This is the imagery of Revelation: the Whore is a woman who is a filthy whore who has committed abomination after abomination (hence, The Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth) while the Church is a woman who is a pure, innocent virgin. Jesus is going to marry the Church, while the Whore is going to face the wrath of God and be destroyed. It’s the exact same black and white symbolism as the wheat and the tares, the sheep and the goats, the righteous and the wicked, of good and evil. You are either for God or against God. You either belong to the Church or you belong to the Whore. The Church is defined by her belief in Christ and the Whore is defined her belief in the doctrines of demons. If you are not in the Church (defined by believing in the word of God), it means that you are accepting false doctrines, which means that you are fornicating with fallen angels. This means you belong to the Whore since you are partaking in her fornication (as in Revelation 18:3 and 19:2).

In Revelation 18:4, we read: “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of [Babylon], my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” God is telling His people to come out of Babylon. This is a spiritual command more than it is a physical one: God is telling His people to separate themselves from the Whore; to stop practicing her false doctrines; to stop participating in her sinful practices. Revelation 18:3 and 19:2 make it clear that essentially the entire earth has taken part in the Whore’s fornication (that is, of adopting the doctrines of the fallen angels). And so, to come out of Babylon is to stop participating in the doctrines of the world and to follow the word of God instead.