
God is Willing to Forgive the Fallen Angels

Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?

Ezekiel 33:11

God does not take pleasure in destroying the wicked. He truly wishes for all to repent of their wicked ways and to be reconciled back unto God. God made all of His creatures, including angels and mankind, with the purpose and intention of having a relationship with them. God made all of creation with the purpose of having a family of His own. If one of His children stray away from Him, He will desire for that child to return to Him, no matter what wickedness that this child has done. This is the story of the prodigal son. God will be waiting with open arms to one of His children who strayed away but came back. God is willing to forgive whatever wickedness His child has done.

This applies to the fallen angels as well, who are also children of the Most High. Because of God’s infinite mercy, He is willing to forgive even the fallen angels, if only they truly repent. God is willing to wipe away thousands of years of sin and to restore each fallen angel to his former glory, if only they repent. Yes, He is even willing to forgive Satan, if only he repents. However, Satan will never repent because of his own pride, since repentance means admitting you were wrong and that God is right. If Satan were to admit that he was wrong, he would have to admit he was wrong to everyone that he misled. Satan has too much ego to let this happen, and so he is willing to be punished in Hell rather than to admit he was wrong about everything.

If one believes that God won’t be willing to forgive the fallen angels, this means believing that God is not infinitely merciful. In that case, one is underestimating God’s infinite mercy. God is willing to forgive everyone, but only if they truly ask Him for forgiveness.

There are many passages in Scripture which show that God extends His mercy to everyone, such as in 2 Peter 3:9:

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise [regarding the day of God’s judgment], as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

2 Peter 3:9

God takes no pleasure in the destruction of the wicked. His desire is for every wicked individual to repent of their ways and to return to God. God is patient, giving time for the wicked to repent before God is required to put an end to the wicked due to His perfect justice.

There is no reason to think that this does not also apply to angels that have fallen since they are God’s children as well. God wants each and every sinner to come to repentance before Him and to be reconciled back to Him; to rejoin God’s family. To think otherwise is to believe that God actually desires for some of His children to be sent to Hell. This is not so. God does not desire for anyone to end up in Hell. However, due to their own freewill, sinners choose to be separated from God by choosing a life of sin. If they refuse to repent, this choice ends up causing the ultimate separation from God: of being sent to Hell.

Christian Life Spirituality Theology

Truth and Falsehoods

In Mark 3:24-26, we read:

And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.

Mark 3:24-26

This is the nature of truth and falsehoods:

If everyone believes in the truth and does not believe in falsehoods, everyone can live in perfect harmony without division.

But if people believe in falsehoods, they will become divided since falsehoods often are not in agreement with each other. Any one truth, however, is always in agreement with all other truths.

This is what Jesus means in Matthew 10:34-36 when He says that He brings not peace, but a sword. The sword is the word of God, which is the truth. Truth causes division among those who believe in falsehoods as the truth cuts through lies, exposing the falsehoods for what they are.

Surely, there will be great conflict within the fallen angels while Satan’s kingdom is falling apart, especially as a result of the war in heaven mentioned in Revelation 12 when Satan and the fallen angels lose their place in the heavens, being thrown down to earth. The fallen angels will lose their trust in Satan, putting all of the fallen angels into chaos and confusion. If Satan alone is stuck down, then his entire army of fallen angels will crumble apart from within. Strike the head and the body will fall. Because Satan’s kingdom is built on a lie, its inevitable fate is to collapse because of that very same lie. The word of God will win in the end, destroying the falsehoods of Satan. Jesus Himself is the Word made flesh (John 1:14), and He is the truth (John 14:6). It is Jesus who will ultimately destroy the works of Satan.

He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

1 John 3:8

A Prayer to Purge the Mind from Corruption

O Lord, I grow in disgust at how much wickedness has grown in my mind. The seeds of corruption have overtaken me. My once beautiful garden is now overgrown with weeds and corrupt fruit. This fruit is poison to me and it brings destruction to my soul. O Lord, purge my mind of all that is wicked. Make my mind once again into a pleasing garden so that it may glorify You. Help me cut down these corrupt trees so that they may be cast into the furnace to be burned up and destroyed – so that they may produce corrupt fruit no more.

Gather up all of the corrupt fruit produced from these corrupt vineyards. Put that fruit into the winepress of Your wrath, and pour that wine into the cups of those who had planted those seeds of corruption in the first place; pour that wine of wrath into the cups of those who preach false doctrine, who corrupt the minds of many. But even still, show them mercy, O Lord. If they repent of their wicked ways, then let that cup pass from them. However, if they do not repent of their wicked ways, then let them drink of the wine of Your wrath. Let them taste of the fruit from the seeds of the corruption they have sown, as it is written: “for whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap.”


In this prayer, I am mostly drawing upon Matthew 7:15-20, where Jesus speaks of false prophets and compares them to corrupt trees that bear corrupt fruit. The fruit of false prophets is their false doctrine. They share this fruit with others, planting the seeds of their false doctrine in others. Soon, this corrupts their minds, making them believe in many false notions.

When we accept falsehoods as truth within our minds, we end up sowing seeds of corruption. Over time, this corrupts the mind, filling it with corrupt fruit. And, often unintentionally, we share this fruit with others, corrupting their minds. Since we have accepted falsehoods as truth, we willingly pass these falsehoods onto others, who may accept them as well, planting it in their minds as well. When we fill our minds with lies, it ends up clogging up our minds and it makes it very difficult to perform reason and judgment and it creates constant cognitive dissonance.

However, if we fill our minds with truth, then this will grow into trees that bear good fruit. We can then share this fruit with others to enrich their minds with the truth.

The wine of the wrath of God mentioned at the end of the prayer is the system of God’s judgment as outlined throughout the word of God, but especially in the book of Revelation. God’s judgment follows this principle: one must reap what they have sown. If one sows good seeds, then they will reap the resulting wonderful fruit which they can enjoy and share. If one sows seeds of sin, then they will reap the resulting corrupt fruit which will be made into the wine of the wrath of God, which they will be forced to drink, bringing God’s wrath upon them.

In this prayer, I am mostly referring to Satan and the fallen angels, whose seed is their false doctrine which they plant in the minds of men, ultimately corrupting their minds and making them spiritually blind. The fallen angels will be forced to drink the wine of the wrath of God made from all the corruption they have caused through their false doctrine. For this reason, Satan’s punishment will be greater than all, for he is the one who sowed the original seed of sin in mankind, which ultimately led to all of the evils and ills of this world, including death itself, along with pain and suffering.


Why Taking the Mark of the Beast Will Be Horrific

Here is why the mark of the beast will be so insidious and evil: if having the mark is the only way to buy or sell, that means that one must belong to the system that the Antichrist has created in order to participate in society. In this way, one is endorsing the Antichrist by using his system.

The Antichrist is the one who will establish this monetary system. Therefore, if one buys food using the mark, one is endorsing the Antichrist’s system. This is why all those who take the mark will be cursed and have plagues befall on them as described in Revelation: because they have chosen to eat of the corrupted fruits of the Antichrist.

The Antichrist will likely make this mark seem like a very sweet deal by promising everyone a stipend of money to live on. For this reason, the mark of the beast may be introduced as a cure for a failing economy. In this way, the Antichrist will become like the husband and provider for mankind, offering his corrupt fruit for everyone to live off of.

The mark of the beast will almost certainly be a type of chip or similar technology which connects to one’s financial accounts. And this chip will almost certainly contain tracking technology to track where everyone is. This is a form of slavery, as accepting this device will mean that one belongs to the Antichrist like a slave; a slave who is tracked by his owner; a slave who bears the mark of his owner. In the original Greek that the book of Revelation was written in, the word used for “mark” can also mean a “brand”; the kind of mark which is used to brand cattle or slaves, showing that they belong to their owner.

And so by taking this mark, one is saying “I belong to the Antichrist.” This mark is a sign of ownership, like how cattle are branded and how some slaves were branded throughout history. Those who take the mark will belong to the Antichrist. This is a parallel of how the seal of God (mentioned in Revelation 7) shows that one belongs to God. The mark will be Satan’s counterfeit version of the seal of God.

At the point when the mark of the beast is put into place, the entire world will essentially be under the Antichrist’s control, and so partaking in his kingdom would mean to endorse his leadership and to endorse what he is actively doing. This is why God commands of mankind to take no part in the Babylon world system which the Antichrist will establish and control.

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.

Revelation 18:4-5
Eschatology Scriptural Study Theology

The Mission of Christ Summarized

The mission of Christ is to destroy the works of the devil, as described in 1 John 3:8:

He that committeth sin is of the devil, for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.

1 John 3:8

But what does this mean? It means that the mission of Christ is to reverse all the damage that was done when Satan lied to and deceived Eve, and to reverse all of the corruption and wickedness that followed as a result of this.

The mission of Christ is to restore humanity and the world to its former state of glory; of the holy, pure, and uncorrupted state before man fell; restoring the world to the perfect paradise that once existed with the Garden of Eden. And most importantly, the mission of Christ is to restore the broken relationship between man and God which occurred when mankind first disobeyed God by eating the Forbidden Fruit.

The restored paradise is the New Jerusalem as described in the book of Revelation, which shall be established on earth immediately after the Second Coming of Christ. It shall be like the Garden of Eden but far more glorious. In this paradise man will have glorified, immortal bodies like the body Jesus was given in His resurrection. And God shall make New Jerusalem His dwelling place, dwelling among men, signifying mankind’s restored relationship with God.

The entirety of Christ’s mission on earth in His First Coming was to set in motion all of the events required for the New Jerusalem to be established in the future; to restore everything as it once was in the Garden. In saying the Lord’s Prayer, one is asking for this mission to be fulfilled; asking for God’s kingdom and His law to be re-established on earth as it once was in the Garden of Eden.

Christian Life Spirituality

Burn Your Occult and New Age Books

We must always be careful of the things we allow into our minds and bodies, as well as into our homes. By purchasing occult or New Age books and bringing them into one’s house, one is endorsing the forces of spiritual wickedness behind those writings and allowing them into one’s life. Many of these books were written under the influence and inspiration of demonic forces. If one allows such material into their lives, especially by reading it and accepting it into one’s mind, the same kind of demonic entities which inspired the creation of this material will manifest in your life.

By bringing such material into one’s house, one is giving demons legal grounds to enter into their life. The mere act of owning an occult book means that it is a part of you as it is your property; your property is spiritually attached to you, being a part of who you are. Thus, one must be careful about which items they choose to own as property as that property becomes a part of one’s self spiritually. By letting the contents of an occult book into your mind, it is as though you are taking that occult book into your holy temple which is your body; the body is the temple of God (John 2:21, 1 Corinthians 6:19). If you accept these occult writings into your mind, you are desecrating your holy temple by bringing such false, demonic doctrines into that temple.

Spiritual discernment is a must. In order to safely read occult material, such as for research purposes, one must first have a very strong grounding in the Bible. One must be able to discern what is false doctrine and what is biblical doctrine. If you are an individual who lacks discernment, being prone to accepting whatever you read, then it will be very dangerous for you to read occult material. Without a firm understanding of biblical doctrine, one is easily swayed into accepting false, demonic doctrines. Someone who is very strongly grounded in biblical doctrine is able to read occult material without much danger as they will have a filter that automatically rejects all falsehoods in this material.

When you allow the forces of spiritual wickedness into your life by possessing and reading occult material, accepting it into your mind, these forces will start controlling your life, trying to steer your life away from God’s true plan for you. This spiritual wickedness will attempt to lead you down a dark path that leads to destruction.

The Bible describes a book burning that took place in Ephesus:

And a number of those who had practiced magic arts brought their books and burned them in front of everyone. When the value of the books was calculated, it came to fifty thousand drachmas.

Acts 19:19

In Ephesus, new Christian converts gathered all of their occult books and burned them, thus separating themselves from their former selves, who had been practitioners of the occult. As Christians, we must do the same. We must separate ourselves from the works of Satan. Get rid of all your occult and New Age books. Burning books is a ritual in itself; a profoundly powerful ritual which sends out the message that one wishes for the complete and utter destruction of such works of darkness. The spiritual ramifications of this ritual is immense, as the effect travels throughout the world, just as with prayer or other spiritual rituals.

Simply throwing away such books does not have the same weight to it. Even worse is if you decide to sell the books instead, as this means that your books will end up in the hands of others for them to read for themselves.

By destroying occult books, you are affirming that you wish to destroy the works of the devil, which is precisely the same mission that Christ was sent to do:

He that committeth sin is of the devil, for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.

1 John 3:8

By destroying books which contain occult knowledge, you are taking part in the same mission that Jesus Christ was sent to do. In any case, you should not purchase occult books to begin with or take them into your house, lest you invite into your life those wicked spirits who are attached to such books.

Christian Life Spirituality

Practice Discernment in the Music You Listen To

I have a rule of thumb with the music I listen to: I will only listen to a song when I can imagine myself singing it, with me truly meaning each and every word that I sing. I refuse to sing lyrics which I do not agree with. That is, I must agree with all the lyrics for me to listen to that song.

If I do not understand what the lyrics mean, I will attempt to look up the meaning of the song. If this doesn’t help, then I won’t listen to the song. I err on the side of being safe: I see danger in listening to songs where I do not understanding the meaning of the lyrics as these lyrics could be at odds with my beliefs, morals, and values.

If the lyrics are in another language, then I must read the English translation myself before I continue listening to it.

Why is this? Let me bring up just one example: most of you probably know the song “Despacito”. It’s a catchy and immensely popular song that has some seven billion views on YouTube (yes, seven billion – not million). The lyrics of this song are in Spanish and so most people who listen to the song don’t even know the meaning behind the words. Did you know that from start to finish, the lyrics are extremely raunchy, filthy, and highly sexual, describing sexual encounters and the act of sex itself while also taking the Lord’s name in vain? As a Christian, one should remove all such music from their life. I do not care if the music sounds good or is catchy. Your moral standards should be above this, refusing to listen to filthy music even if it’s catchy and fun to listen to. Do not be like the spiritually blind heathen who do not have any discernment in the kind of media they consume.

You should refuse to listen to any songs which glorify violence, money, fornication, drugs, material pursuits, carnal pleasures, and any sinful behaviour, etc. Refuse to listen to any song which makes you deviate from the path of God.

Also, many songs are written in “witch language”, that is, with layers of meaning you would only understand if you were initiated into the occult. This explains why lyrics can often be so baffling and bizarre and make no sense; sometimes it is because the words were chosen for the symbolic meaning they have in witch language. Witch language itself goes back many centuries. Perhaps the most famous instance of it is in Shakespeare’s Macbeth, which depicts witches making a brew, as follows:

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg and howlet's wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Cool it with a baboon's blood,
Then the charm is firm and good.

The ingredients mentioned in this witch’s brew are going by their names in witch language. For instance, “eye of newt” is actually witch language for mustard seed and “toe of frog” actually refers to a buttercup.

In the same way, artists who are into witchcraft or the occult will use certain words and phrases in their lyrics which have special meaning in the occult, but which the average person will not understand because they have not been initiated. And so, there is a danger in listening to such songs which have veiled occult meaning behind them.

Many artists are even openly practitioners of witchcraft. Lana Del Rey is one such artist that comes to mind, and there are many others. There are also bands which are openly satanic, such as the band known as “Ghost”, which is apparent in their music videos and lyrics. Imagine developing a liking to the songs of a band such as this because you enjoy how their music sounds, only to later find out about them being worshipers of Satan. You will curse the fact that their songs are deeply ingrained in your brain, now stuck playing inside of your head, coming up at random points of the day, and that you can’t make it stop.

By willingly letting sinful music into your mind (the brain being part of the temple of God, which is the body), you are also allowing the demonic spirits attached to those songs to influence you. The same thing happens when you purchase occult books or objects and bring them into your house; in doing so, you are giving demons legal grounds to enter into your life.

When you listen to music that is sinful in nature and delight in it, you are allowing those seeds of sin to be sown in your mind, which will grow to bear bad fruit. And just as bad, by delighting such music, you are endorsing the workers of iniquity who produced that music. Just take a look at the individuals who produce such music. Are they role models you wish to emulate? Are they individuals who contain many demons within them? Are they obsessed with material possessions and wealth? Are they drug addicts, fornicators, and doers of violence? If you endorse their music by purchasing it and listening to it, then you are giving an open invitation for the same demons behind those artists to enter into your life.

Did you known that both Beyonce and Nicki Minaj fully admit to channeling spirits/entities during their musical performances? By listening to their music and enjoying it, you are endorsing the work of demonic spirits.

Don’t underestimate the power of music. The angels were signing when the foundations of the earth were laid, and music has a profoundly sacred and powerful effect when used for good. When used for evil, it can corrupt the minds of individuals in the most insidious ways possible, sowing seeds of sin that eventually grow to produce bad fruit.

There is a saying, “You are what you eat”. The same applies to all media we consume, including music. If we consume worldly, materialistic music, then we are going to be conformed to the world. If we consume spiritual, godly music, then we are going to be conformed to Christ.

All in all, always practice discernment in the music you listen to. Listening to worldly music which has lyrics which glorify sin will open doorways in your life to demonic influence. Listen to music which glorifies God, which is good for you spiritually. Do not listen to worldly music which glorifies the sinful desires of the flesh. Such music is poison for your soul.

Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31
Scriptural Study

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life

We all know the famous words spoken by Jesus in John 14:6: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” In this post, I wish to do a small bit of exegesis on the meaning of this verse. So here it is:

Jesus is the way because He has shown us how God wants us to live. We are to follow the example of Christ; to follow in His footsteps as best we can. Also, Jesus is the way to salvation. In order to be saved, we must follow Him.

Jesus is the truth because He is the Word made flesh. With everything He did in His human body, all of it was in fulfillment of the word of God, which contains all truth. Everything in His very being all pointed towards the truth of God. He is the embodiment of truth; He is truth personified.

Jesus is the life because without Him there is only death. Through Christ, one inherits the gift of eternal life. Through no other means can one attain eternal life. Jesus Himself said: “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live” (John 11:25) Christ’s resurrection has made it possible for all of His followers to be resurrected as well, Christ Himself holding the keys to Hell and death.

No one comes to the Father except through Jesus since it is through the blood of Christ that we are redeemed: that our sins are washed away and that we inherit our restored, glorified, immortal bodies, allowing us to enter Heaven and to be in the presence of the Father.


The Fallen Angels are Deceived by Satan

This may come as a surprise to people, or perhaps not, but even the fallen angels are being deceived by Satan. In fact, they are often far deeper into Satan’s lie than most humans are. Satan has blinded them with a great delusion to make it seem like victory is possible against God. Why else would the fallen angels remain obedient to Satan? How else would have Satan persuaded the angels in Heaven to rebel against God in the first place? These angels were once loyal to God, fulfilling their duties in Heaven. But, evidently, Satan was able to persuade them away from God. No doubt, Satan used lies and deception. Satan likely sowed seeds of doubt in the minds of the angels, convincing them that God was unjust and was abusing His power. Satan would have given the other angels the idea that everything could be so much better if they overthrew God’s government and took rulership over creation for themselves. This was Satan’s entire plan with his rebellion: to overthrow God’s government and to be seated higher than God, having greater power and authority than God.

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

Isaiah 14:12-14

The fallen angels are stuck in the very same occult system they helped create; they are prisoners of their own system, giving their power to Satan through that system (you can even think of fallen angels as being “batteries” of occult power, giving their power to Satan and to his human followers, which is how the occult/witchcraft gets its power). Most likely, even high ranking fallen angels are unaware of the deeper, sick and twisted corruption Satan is doing in secret, which, if the other fallen angels knew, would cause them to abandon Satan; they would say “enough is enough” and abandon this plan altogether.

There will come a time when Satan’s schemes will start to all come tumbling down (at the time when Satan and the fallen angels lose their heavenly seats during the angelic war described in Revelation 12), and in so doing, it will turn out that each and every promise Satan has ever given was a lie, since Satan’s entire kingdom is based on a lie to begin with. As each promise is exposed as a lie, all of Satan’s followers (including the fallen angels) will hate him with violent rage since they all have been deceived; tricked into believing that they would be rewarded by Satan and blinded to the fact that Satan’s entire system is a fraud.


What if Jesus Bowed Down to Satan in the Wilderness?

And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.

Luke 4:5-7

I do not think most people realize the full weight of Christ’s temptation by Satan to have all the kingdoms of the world. If Jesus had actually given into this temptation, then certainly, He would have been given the whole world since Satan is god of this world; the world is his to give away if he chooses. The world was given over to Satan when man disobeyed God in the Garden, when man trusted in Satan’s word rather than trusting in God’s word, choosing to obey Satan as master instead of obeying God. Through this act, man’s dominion of the world was given over to Satan. For this reason, the kingdoms of the world are rightfully Satan’s to give to whomever he chooses, as described in Luke 4:6.

Satan asks for Jesus to worship him and in exchange, Satan will give Him all the kingdoms of the world. The act of worship does not merely mean to praise someone – it also means to bow down and obey them as one’s master. If Jesus had bowed down to Satan, Jesus would have accepted Satan as His master. And as the Bible says, “a servant is not greater than his master”, and thus, Satan would then have become greater than Jesus Himself, having a higher position than Jesus, which is exactly what Satan’s goal was with his original rebellion in Heaven: to rise above God’s throne. If Satan successfully made Jesus bow down to him, Satan would have accomplished the very thing which he attempted in Heaven which had him cast out of Heaven in the first place.

Through Christ’s holy and royal blood, He inherits the entirety of creation from His Father (inheritance is through the blood, in this case, from Father to Son). If Jesus had bowed down to Satan in the wilderness, thus becoming the servant of Satan, then Satan would have become the ruler of all of creation: Christ’s inheritance would have been given over to Satan. This is just like how Satan took dominion of the earth away from Adam and Eve, by making Adam and Eve obey him as master. Ultimately, if Jesus was successfully tempted, Satan would have become seated higher than Jesus Himself, and thus the entire cosmos would have been given over to Satan – and as a trade off, Jesus would merely have been given the kingdoms of this world, becoming a lesser god of this fallen world while losing His authority over all of creation. But of course, Jesus resisted all of Satan’s temptations in the wilderness, even resisting Satan’s offer to be given all the kingdoms of the world.