
A Prayer of Protection Against Occult Forces

O Lord, protect me from the the forces of the occult. Protect me from all demonic influence. Protect me from Satan and his fallen angels. Let all schemes of darkness against me crumble. Let my enemies fall by their own councils. Into the net which they have hid for me, let themselves fall. Let my enemies be pierced by they own swords.

O Lord, You are a mighty and just God. Therefore, You will not let the wicked prevail in their schemes. Though the satanic rulers of the earth take council against You, conspiring against You and Your anointed people, You shall laugh at them, for You see the day in which they fall. O Lord, cut off the wicked and send them into outer darkness.

All sorcerers shall have their part in the lake of fire, for it is written: “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” – Revelation 21:8

Therefore, all you who practice sorcery and witchcraft beware, for the path you have chosen is the path to destruction. Sorcery is abominable in the eyes of God and He shall cut off all those who practice it.


A Prayer for the Forgiveness of Sin

O Lord, I put my trust in Thee to save me. The labours of my hands cannot suffice to save me from my sins. I am not saved by works but through my faith in You and Your Son. My works cannot compare to the works of Thy Son, Who on the cross bared the burden of my sins and paid the penalty of sin for me. I trust in the words of Thy Son, that through the eating of His flesh and through the drinking of His blood, I am saved and have eternal life.

Let me not be saved through works but through faith. May Your endless mercies pardon me for my many sins so that I may be saved through grace, not works. The labours of my hands cannot fulfill the demands of Your perfect and holy Law.

O Lord, I trust in Your holy Word, that I may be saved through the work of Your Son, Whose precious blood was poured out for the remission of sin. May the debt of my sin be cancelled through Yeshua’s blood payment on the cross.

I shall remain forever grateful for the sacrifice of Your Son, Yeshua HaMashiach.


A Prayer to Purge the Mind from Corruption

O Lord, I grow in disgust at how much wickedness has grown in my mind. The seeds of corruption have overtaken me. My once beautiful garden is now overgrown with weeds and corrupt fruit. This fruit is poison to me and it brings destruction to my soul. O Lord, purge my mind of all that is wicked. Make my mind once again into a pleasing garden so that it may glorify You. Help me cut down these corrupt trees so that they may be cast into the furnace to be burned up and destroyed – so that they may produce corrupt fruit no more.

Gather up all of the corrupt fruit produced from these corrupt vineyards. Put that fruit into the winepress of Your wrath, and pour that wine into the cups of those who had planted those seeds of corruption in the first place; pour that wine of wrath into the cups of those who preach false doctrine, who corrupt the minds of many. But even still, show them mercy, O Lord. If they repent of their wicked ways, then let that cup pass from them. However, if they do not repent of their wicked ways, then let them drink of the wine of Your wrath. Let them taste of the fruit from the seeds of the corruption they have sown, as it is written: “for whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap.”


In this prayer, I am mostly drawing upon Matthew 7:15-20, where Jesus speaks of false prophets and compares them to corrupt trees that bear corrupt fruit. The fruit of false prophets is their false doctrine. They share this fruit with others, planting the seeds of their false doctrine in others. Soon, this corrupts their minds, making them believe in many false notions.

When we accept falsehoods as truth within our minds, we end up sowing seeds of corruption. Over time, this corrupts the mind, filling it with corrupt fruit. And, often unintentionally, we share this fruit with others, corrupting their minds. Since we have accepted falsehoods as truth, we willingly pass these falsehoods onto others, who may accept them as well, planting it in their minds as well. When we fill our minds with lies, it ends up clogging up our minds and it makes it very difficult to perform reason and judgment and it creates constant cognitive dissonance.

However, if we fill our minds with truth, then this will grow into trees that bear good fruit. We can then share this fruit with others to enrich their minds with the truth.

The wine of the wrath of God mentioned at the end of the prayer is the system of God’s judgment as outlined throughout the word of God, but especially in the book of Revelation. God’s judgment follows this principle: one must reap what they have sown. If one sows good seeds, then they will reap the resulting wonderful fruit which they can enjoy and share. If one sows seeds of sin, then they will reap the resulting corrupt fruit which will be made into the wine of the wrath of God, which they will be forced to drink, bringing God’s wrath upon them.

In this prayer, I am mostly referring to Satan and the fallen angels, whose seed is their false doctrine which they plant in the minds of men, ultimately corrupting their minds and making them spiritually blind. The fallen angels will be forced to drink the wine of the wrath of God made from all the corruption they have caused through their false doctrine. For this reason, Satan’s punishment will be greater than all, for he is the one who sowed the original seed of sin in mankind, which ultimately led to all of the evils and ills of this world, including death itself, along with pain and suffering.