
Teach Me

My Master, Yeshua HaMashiach, the Holy One of Israel, You are my God and You are my Guide, my Teacher.

Teach me in Your ways, O merciful Master, that I may know the way to go.

Teach me how to pray, O Lord. Teach me how to glorify You in every way that I can.

Teach me in the arts, that I may glorify You in the song and dance; that I may write music to glorify You with.

Teach me how to live, that I may live for You.

Instruct me in Your holy word, that I may learn the deep mysteries of Your word.

O Lord, let me seek a path that is edifying; that I may fill my mind with all manner of pleasant things. Let my mind be transformed, that I may be a better vessel for the purpose of glorifying You. Let me bring great glory to You and Your kingdom. Let me glorify You with all that I do; let me glorify You in all artistic mediums which I am able to.

I desire to glorify You in works of high art; in music, in poetry, in song, in dance, in theatre, in oil painting, through writing, through literary works, and in all manner of genres. O Lord, teach me how to be a great artist so that I may glorify You with my art. You are my Master and my Teacher. O Lord, teach me.


Power Over the Nations

O Lord, grant me power and authority over the heathen nations of the world. This is the power You have promised to those who overcome and who keep Your works until the end, for it is written:

“And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father. And I will give him the morning star.” – Revelation 2:26-28

O Lord, I have kept Your works through these end times. I have kept Your commandments and I have done good works in Your eyes while abhorring all wicked deeds. Give me power and authority over the nations, that I may rule them with a rod of iron and break them into pieces. I receive this power and authority through Your Son, O Father, Your Son Who received this power and authority from You, O King of the cosmos, for Your Son, Yeshua, has inherited all things from You.

For it is written: “Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.” – Psalm 2:8-9

With this power and authority in hand, I say to you, O kings of the earth: be wise and submit to the Lord. None can stand against the wrath of the Lamb; none can go up against the power of the Almighty Creator, for He is Sovereign. Therefore, drop your weapons, all you heathens, and hearken unto the voice of the Lord; read and hear the word of God. For is is written:

“Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.” – Psalm 2:10-12

O Lord, I thank You for the power and authority which You have bestowed upon me. Guide me and council me in all my ways, that I may be a true and upright king and judge of this earth and that I may judge with great spiritual discernment. O Father, through the blood of Your Son You have made me into a great king to rule the nations. Through Yeshua’s blood I overcome Satan. Let me therefore rule in righteousness so that Your kingdom may be established with my help. Yeshua is my King, for He is the King of kings. I serve one master, the Almighty God, and I serve Him alone. Praise be to the One Who sits upon the throne of Heaven, Who’s hallowed named is Yahweh, the Holy One of Israel.


A Prayer for the Remission of Sin

O Lord, I accept Your new testament which You spoke of during the Last Supper. Therefore, my sins are forgiven and the debt of my sins is cleared. I am no longer a slave to sin but instead I belong to You and I am made a slave to righteousness, for Your precious blood is the payment which has purchased me out of debt to my sins.

The penalty of sin is death, and You paid that penalty for me on the cross. Therefore, I am free. Death has lost its sting and I receive eternal life through Your flesh and blood, for You are the bread of life; the bread that one may eat of and never die, for it is written:

“I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.” – John 6:51

“Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.” – John 6:54

O Lord, I have eaten of Your flesh and I have drank Your blood in the holy Eucharist which You established at the Last Supper. For it is written:

“And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; for this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” – Matthew 26:26-28

I accept Your new testament spoken of at the Last supper, in which You gave Your body to eat and Your blood to drink. Therefore, I have eternal life through the sacrifice which You made and the debt of my sins is covered by Your precious blood.


A Prayer Against the Sorceries of Babylon

O Lord, let me not be blinded due to the sorceries of Babylon, for great are her sorceries!

Do not let sorceries be used against me. Be a shield for me, O Lord, and protect me from the sorceries of this corrupt world! Let all sorceries be returned sevenfold unto those who cast them, that the sorcerers may fall into their own nets which they have laid out for Your people. Let all sorcerers be ensnared by the work of their own hands.

O Lord, curse those who curse Your chosen people and bless those who bless Your chosen people.

Let those who wish to curse me be cursed, and let those who wish to bless me be blessed.

Father, I desire greatly to bring about the destruction of Babylon the Great and to put an end to her false doctrines and sorcery. Help me attain this goal, that I may be useful in this great cause, that I may be useful in the pulling down and decimating of the demonic strongholds of Satan’s kingdom, Babylon. Turn me into a mighty warrior, O Lord, and I shall go valiantly into battle against the enemy. Equip me for battle and open Your armoury to me and I shall go forth and wreck havoc upon Satan’s kingdoms.


A Prayer for Knowledge

O Father, it is You Who I come to to receive knowledge and wisdom. It is knowledge and wisdom that I seek and it is You Who are the fount of knowledge and wisdom. All truth comes from You and all knowledge flows from Your being.

Give me the knowledge I require to fight against my enemies; my enemies who use occult sorcery against me. Let me know of their ways, that I may bring them into destruction for their wickedness. Hand me the keys of the occult and I shall use them to cut off all forms of sorcery; that this sorcery may never again be used against Your children.

O Lord, give me the knowledge I need to operate in my fullness, that I may bring much glory to You and Your kingdom through my works. Teach me how to glorify You, O Lord. Teach me to sing, teach me to dance, teach me how to compose music which glorifies Your kingdom! Guide my hand to write and I shall glorify You in all that I write.

O Lord, I desire to learn of the things which You have hidden from all those except the ones closest to You. Teach me of the hidden things and I shall be forever grateful. I shall use my knowledge for the glorification of You and Your kingdom.


A Prayer for Protection

O Lord, protect me from those who desire to do wicked things against me. Protect me from those who desire my hurt.

Protect me from the wicked individuals who conspire and plot against me. Protect me from those who wish to take my life. Send forth your guardian angels to keep me safe. O Lord, be a shield about me and be my high tower, that the enemy shall not prevail against me.

Cut off those individuals who spy on me and who mark my steps. Cut off those who eavesdrop on my conversation. Protect me from all sorcery which the wicked casts against me.

O Lord, let my enemies fall into the nets which they have hid for me. Into that very destruction, let them fall. Let the swords of my enemies pierce their own hearts. Lord, send forth Your arrows to pierce the hearts of Your enemies. Cut off the wicked and send them into outer darkness.


Prepare Me for Battle

O Lord, be my battle shield and my sword. Equip me with Your armour so that I may go valiantly into battle against the forces of spiritual wickedness.

Equip me with the helmet of salvation, the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel, and the shield of faith. Let me wield the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. O Lord, teach me and guide me how to use Your word as a weapon against Your foes. Let me wield Your word as a weapon, that with it I may tear down demonic strongholds and fight against the principalities of darkness.

I am Your end times warrior, O Lord. Equip me for battle and I shall go into the world and fight against Your enemies who are the forces of wickedness in high places.


The Identity of the Whore of Babylon

This is the identity of Babylon: Babylon represents every city and every person who follows in the footsteps of ancient Babylon by adopting the doctrine of the fallen angels. Throughout the Bible, we see that a group of people are defined by their beliefs. And thus, everyone who does not believe in the word of God inevitably adopts the doctrine of Babylon. Babylon is everyone who isn’t in Christ’s church. There are only two groups of people: the Church and Babylon; the wheat and the tares; the sheep and the goats; the children of God and the children of Satan; the saved and the unsaved.

Within the Bible we find the concept of “spiritual fornication”. This fornication occurs when someone accepts the doctrine of the fallen angels as truth. The Whore of Babylon is a whore because she has adopted the religious practices of the fallen angels. This all began in the Garden, when Eve chose to believe Satan’s false doctrine of “sin doesn’t lead to death”. Everyone who adopts the practices of the Whore becomes part of Babylon.


The Whore and the Church

This is a spiritual principle within the Bible: a certain group of people is defined by their beliefs. If a group of people all believe in the same thing, they can be said to be one. This is the principle of personification: this group of people can be personified as one person. See Ezekiel 16 for instance, where Jerusalem/Israel is personified as a woman. This woman is defined by the shared belief of Israel; their shared belief in the God of Israel. Exactly as Ezekiel 16 describes, this woman becomes a whore when she fornicates with the lesser gods of foreign nations and peoples, namely of the lesser gods of the Assyrians and Egypt. To fornicate with a lesser god (that is, a fallen angel) is to accept their seed. The seed of a lesser god is their doctrine (their set of beliefs). Israel became a whore by adopting the traditions, customs, beliefs, and religious practices of the lesser gods.

The Whore of Babylon follows the exact same spiritual principles as these. The Whore represents the world at large (made clear by Revelation 17:15, 18:3, and 19:2) which has adopted the doctrine of the fallen angels (which is all doctrine contrary to the word of God). The Whore represents everyone who is not Christ’s church, for everyone outside the church has adopted the doctrine of Satan. This is the imagery of Revelation: the Whore is a woman who is a filthy whore who has committed abomination after abomination (hence, The Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth) while the Church is a woman who is a pure, innocent virgin. Jesus is going to marry the Church, while the Whore is going to face the wrath of God and be destroyed. It’s the exact same black and white symbolism as the wheat and the tares, the sheep and the goats, the righteous and the wicked, of good and evil. You are either for God or against God. You either belong to the Church or you belong to the Whore. The Church is defined by her belief in Christ and the Whore is defined her belief in the doctrines of demons. If you are not in the Church (defined by believing in the word of God), it means that you are accepting false doctrines, which means that you are fornicating with fallen angels. This means you belong to the Whore since you are partaking in her fornication (as in Revelation 18:3 and 19:2).

In Revelation 18:4, we read: “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of [Babylon], my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” God is telling His people to come out of Babylon. This is a spiritual command more than it is a physical one: God is telling His people to separate themselves from the Whore; to stop practicing her false doctrines; to stop participating in her sinful practices. Revelation 18:3 and 19:2 make it clear that essentially the entire earth has taken part in the Whore’s fornication (that is, of adopting the doctrines of the fallen angels). And so, to come out of Babylon is to stop participating in the doctrines of the world and to follow the word of God instead.


God is Willing to Forgive the Fallen Angels

Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?

Ezekiel 33:11

God does not take pleasure in destroying the wicked. He truly wishes for all to repent of their wicked ways and to be reconciled back unto God. God made all of His creatures, including angels and mankind, with the purpose and intention of having a relationship with them. God made all of creation with the purpose of having a family of His own. If one of His children stray away from Him, He will desire for that child to return to Him, no matter what wickedness that this child has done. This is the story of the prodigal son. God will be waiting with open arms to one of His children who strayed away but came back. God is willing to forgive whatever wickedness His child has done.

This applies to the fallen angels as well, who are also children of the Most High. Because of God’s infinite mercy, He is willing to forgive even the fallen angels, if only they truly repent. God is willing to wipe away thousands of years of sin and to restore each fallen angel to his former glory, if only they repent. Yes, He is even willing to forgive Satan, if only he repents. However, Satan will never repent because of his own pride, since repentance means admitting you were wrong and that God is right. If Satan were to admit that he was wrong, he would have to admit he was wrong to everyone that he misled. Satan has too much ego to let this happen, and so he is willing to be punished in Hell rather than to admit he was wrong about everything.

If one believes that God won’t be willing to forgive the fallen angels, this means believing that God is not infinitely merciful. In that case, one is underestimating God’s infinite mercy. God is willing to forgive everyone, but only if they truly ask Him for forgiveness.

There are many passages in Scripture which show that God extends His mercy to everyone, such as in 2 Peter 3:9:

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise [regarding the day of God’s judgment], as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

2 Peter 3:9

God takes no pleasure in the destruction of the wicked. His desire is for every wicked individual to repent of their ways and to return to God. God is patient, giving time for the wicked to repent before God is required to put an end to the wicked due to His perfect justice.

There is no reason to think that this does not also apply to angels that have fallen since they are God’s children as well. God wants each and every sinner to come to repentance before Him and to be reconciled back to Him; to rejoin God’s family. To think otherwise is to believe that God actually desires for some of His children to be sent to Hell. This is not so. God does not desire for anyone to end up in Hell. However, due to their own freewill, sinners choose to be separated from God by choosing a life of sin. If they refuse to repent, this choice ends up causing the ultimate separation from God: of being sent to Hell.