Christian Life Spirituality

Practice Discernment in the Music You Listen To

I have a rule of thumb with the music I listen to: I will only listen to a song when I can imagine myself singing it, with me truly meaning each and every word that I sing. I refuse to sing lyrics which I do not agree with. That is, I must agree with all the lyrics for me to listen to that song.

If I do not understand what the lyrics mean, I will attempt to look up the meaning of the song. If this doesn’t help, then I won’t listen to the song. I err on the side of being safe: I see danger in listening to songs where I do not understanding the meaning of the lyrics as these lyrics could be at odds with my beliefs, morals, and values.

If the lyrics are in another language, then I must read the English translation myself before I continue listening to it.

Why is this? Let me bring up just one example: most of you probably know the song “Despacito”. It’s a catchy and immensely popular song that has some seven billion views on YouTube (yes, seven billion – not million). The lyrics of this song are in Spanish and so most people who listen to the song don’t even know the meaning behind the words. Did you know that from start to finish, the lyrics are extremely raunchy, filthy, and highly sexual, describing sexual encounters and the act of sex itself while also taking the Lord’s name in vain? As a Christian, one should remove all such music from their life. I do not care if the music sounds good or is catchy. Your moral standards should be above this, refusing to listen to filthy music even if it’s catchy and fun to listen to. Do not be like the spiritually blind heathen who do not have any discernment in the kind of media they consume.

You should refuse to listen to any songs which glorify violence, money, fornication, drugs, material pursuits, carnal pleasures, and any sinful behaviour, etc. Refuse to listen to any song which makes you deviate from the path of God.

Also, many songs are written in “witch language”, that is, with layers of meaning you would only understand if you were initiated into the occult. This explains why lyrics can often be so baffling and bizarre and make no sense; sometimes it is because the words were chosen for the symbolic meaning they have in witch language. Witch language itself goes back many centuries. Perhaps the most famous instance of it is in Shakespeare’s Macbeth, which depicts witches making a brew, as follows:

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg and howlet's wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Cool it with a baboon's blood,
Then the charm is firm and good.

The ingredients mentioned in this witch’s brew are going by their names in witch language. For instance, “eye of newt” is actually witch language for mustard seed and “toe of frog” actually refers to a buttercup.

In the same way, artists who are into witchcraft or the occult will use certain words and phrases in their lyrics which have special meaning in the occult, but which the average person will not understand because they have not been initiated. And so, there is a danger in listening to such songs which have veiled occult meaning behind them.

Many artists are even openly practitioners of witchcraft. Lana Del Rey is one such artist that comes to mind, and there are many others. There are also bands which are openly satanic, such as the band known as “Ghost”, which is apparent in their music videos and lyrics. Imagine developing a liking to the songs of a band such as this because you enjoy how their music sounds, only to later find out about them being worshipers of Satan. You will curse the fact that their songs are deeply ingrained in your brain, now stuck playing inside of your head, coming up at random points of the day, and that you can’t make it stop.

By willingly letting sinful music into your mind (the brain being part of the temple of God, which is the body), you are also allowing the demonic spirits attached to those songs to influence you. The same thing happens when you purchase occult books or objects and bring them into your house; in doing so, you are giving demons legal grounds to enter into your life.

When you listen to music that is sinful in nature and delight in it, you are allowing those seeds of sin to be sown in your mind, which will grow to bear bad fruit. And just as bad, by delighting such music, you are endorsing the workers of iniquity who produced that music. Just take a look at the individuals who produce such music. Are they role models you wish to emulate? Are they individuals who contain many demons within them? Are they obsessed with material possessions and wealth? Are they drug addicts, fornicators, and doers of violence? If you endorse their music by purchasing it and listening to it, then you are giving an open invitation for the same demons behind those artists to enter into your life.

Did you known that both Beyonce and Nicki Minaj fully admit to channeling spirits/entities during their musical performances? By listening to their music and enjoying it, you are endorsing the work of demonic spirits.

Don’t underestimate the power of music. The angels were signing when the foundations of the earth were laid, and music has a profoundly sacred and powerful effect when used for good. When used for evil, it can corrupt the minds of individuals in the most insidious ways possible, sowing seeds of sin that eventually grow to produce bad fruit.

There is a saying, “You are what you eat”. The same applies to all media we consume, including music. If we consume worldly, materialistic music, then we are going to be conformed to the world. If we consume spiritual, godly music, then we are going to be conformed to Christ.

All in all, always practice discernment in the music you listen to. Listening to worldly music which has lyrics which glorify sin will open doorways in your life to demonic influence. Listen to music which glorifies God, which is good for you spiritually. Do not listen to worldly music which glorifies the sinful desires of the flesh. Such music is poison for your soul.

Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31

By Kevin

As a highly creative individual, I have made countless creations in all kinds of media throughout my life. As a teen, I took up the study of music, which became my primary passion for several years. In recent years, however, I have been engrossed in biblical studies and of spiritual self-growth; a passion which began sometime near the end of 2019. Ever since then, I have found my true calling in life: to do the will of God by spreading His word.