
My High Tower

O Lord, You are my high tower. Within You I take refuge. Within You, I am safe.

O Lord, scatter Your arrows. Let Your arrows sink fast into the hearts of Your enemies.

Cut off Your enemies from me, O Lord. Cut off those who mark my steps and who spy on me. Cut off those who eavesdrop on my private conversations. Cut off all those who collect data on me for the purpose of bringing harm to me. Let the enemy spies be cut off and cast into outer darkness for everlasting destruction. It is written that the wicked shall be repaid with their own wickedness. Therefore, let the enemy spies spy on themselves, that they may know the error of their ways and come into repentance, lest they go into everlasting destruction.

I give thanks unto You, O Lord, for Your mercies endure forever. You are my rock and the power of my power. You are my high tower. You are a shield unto me. You equip me with Your armour so that I may endure the onslaught of the enemy. You make me to wield the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, that I may cut down the enemy and rend him into pieces.

You have made me into a powerful warrior in these end of days, when the forces of wickedness abound. However, I shall not fear the wicked for the battle is already won. Your Son defeated death itself through the work of the cross. Therefore, I do not fear even death, for my eternal salvation is already secured through the blood of the Lamb.

My Lord, I await Your Second Coming. I await the destruction of the Antichrist and his armies. I await the establishment of the New Jerusalem. I testify that You are coming soon. May the grace of our Lord, Yeshua HaMashiach, be with us all. Amen.