

O Father, Yahweh, I pour out my blessings upon You and Your kingdom.

I pour out my blessings upon Your Son, Yeshua. I bless the throne of Your Son, which is the throne of king David. I bless Your Son’s throne and His inheritance. I bless the land of Israel, for Yeshua is the King of Israel. May Your Son rule as king upon the throne of king David, the throne which is still with us today.

Your Son’s inheritance is exceedingly great, O Lord, for He has inherited the fortune of king David, whose fortune includes that of king Solomon the wise. Furthermore, Yeshua has inherited all things from You, O Father, for He is Your Son. Your Throne is an everlasting throne, O Lord, and Your riches are innumerable and infinite in glory. You have even given the heathen nations to Your Son as His inheritance, for it is written:

“Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.” – Psalm 2:8

Through Your Son’s kingship on earth, You have re-inherited the earth as Yours, though it was once lost with the fall of man, when Adam and Eve obeyed the serpent, Satan, in the Garden of Eden. Though man had lost its kingdom over the earth, it is through Your Son, Yeshua, that mankind shall re-inherit the earth with Your Son reigning as the King of kings.

O Lord, I await the day when Heaven and earth are united once again in the New Jerusalem. I pour out my blessings upon Your holy city. How glorious the New Jerusalem shall be. How glorious the Marriage Supper of the Lamb shall be when mankind is finally reconciled to You, O Father. My blessings are upon You, my Lord.

Eschatology Scriptural Study Theology

The Mission of Christ Summarized

The mission of Christ is to destroy the works of the devil, as described in 1 John 3:8:

He that committeth sin is of the devil, for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.

1 John 3:8

But what does this mean? It means that the mission of Christ is to reverse all the damage that was done when Satan lied to and deceived Eve, and to reverse all of the corruption and wickedness that followed as a result of this.

The mission of Christ is to restore humanity and the world to its former state of glory; of the holy, pure, and uncorrupted state before man fell; restoring the world to the perfect paradise that once existed with the Garden of Eden. And most importantly, the mission of Christ is to restore the broken relationship between man and God which occurred when mankind first disobeyed God by eating the Forbidden Fruit.

The restored paradise is the New Jerusalem as described in the book of Revelation, which shall be established on earth immediately after the Second Coming of Christ. It shall be like the Garden of Eden but far more glorious. In this paradise man will have glorified, immortal bodies like the body Jesus was given in His resurrection. And God shall make New Jerusalem His dwelling place, dwelling among men, signifying mankind’s restored relationship with God.

The entirety of Christ’s mission on earth in His First Coming was to set in motion all of the events required for the New Jerusalem to be established in the future; to restore everything as it once was in the Garden. In saying the Lord’s Prayer, one is asking for this mission to be fulfilled; asking for God’s kingdom and His law to be re-established on earth as it once was in the Garden of Eden.