
Out of Babylon

O Lord, the world is full of great wickedness. The Whore of Babylon has corrupted the world with her false doctrines and lusts. Men do great wickedness in Your sight because they have adopted the false doctrines and practices of Babylon.

O Lord, take Your people out of Babylon, that they may not partake of her sins and receive her plagues. Protect Your people from the corruption of Babylon.

Put an end to the sorceries of Babylon, for it is by her sorceries that the whole world is deceived by her.

Put an end to the filth that has polluted Your land, such as the abundance of pornographic material on the internet.

Put an end to the idol worship of celebrities, for we live in a society which glorifies celebrities in an unhealthy manner.

Put an end to the music and content which glorifies fornication, money, violence, rebelliousness, among other unhealthy things.

All around me I see the worship of Mammon; the worship of money. So too do I see the worship of technology. Put an end to all forms of worship which are not godly, O Lord.

Save us, O Lord. Save us from this wicked world and guide Your people out of Babylon.


I Will Not Fret Over Those Who Do Evil

I will not fret over those who do evil. I will not envy those who do wrong. They will wither away like the grass and they shall be no more.

Though the wicked may be strong and mighty, their end shall be destruction unless they repent of their ways and turn to You, O Lord.

Therefore will I trust in You and only You, O Lord, for I am in Your hands. And being in Your hands, the enemy shall not pluck me out of Your hands.

I will wait patiently on You, O Lord, for You shall fulfill the desires of my heart. I shall trust in You and do good. I will delight myself in You, O Father.

You will bring forth my vindication, for You are a just God.

The wicked will soon perish and the meek shall inherit the land.

The wicked shall gnash his teeth against the righteous, but the Lord shall laugh for He sees the day that the wicked are destroyed.

For the man whose path is peace, there shall be a posterity. The righteous shall live on, for they shall inherit eternal life through Yeshua, the Son of God.


Praise and Glory

Let Your people rejoice and bring You praise and great glory through their works. May Your everlasting praise be as a two-edged sword in the hands of Your people. For it is written:

“Let the saints be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds. Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand; to execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people; to bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; to execute upon them the judgment written: this honour have all his saints. Praise ye the Lord.” – Psalm 149:5-9

O Lord, let Your people bring You praise. Let them bring praise unto You in song. Let them praise You in the dance. Let Your people write new songs for Your continually. Let all artists bring You praise and great glory. Let the master painters paint masterpiece after masterpiece to bring You glory. Let the poets rejoice and bring You praise and glory through their craft. Let the master builders erect monuments to You to glorify Your kingdom.

Let Your people sing together in harmony in the great congregation, that we might be together as one, serving You, the one true God.

O Lord, I await the day when Heaven is established upon the earth; when the New Jerusalem is established as the renewed Garden of Eden. What a glorious day that will be. There shall be peace on earth and we will be able to fully praise and glorify You with all of our talents, in whatever medium that may be, bringing great glory to Your kingdom.