My Master, Yeshua HaMashiach, the Holy One of Israel, You are my God and You are my Guide, my Teacher.
Teach me in Your ways, O merciful Master, that I may know the way to go.
Teach me how to pray, O Lord. Teach me how to glorify You in every way that I can.
Teach me in the arts, that I may glorify You in the song and dance; that I may write music to glorify You with.
Teach me how to live, that I may live for You.
Instruct me in Your holy word, that I may learn the deep mysteries of Your word.
O Lord, let me seek a path that is edifying; that I may fill my mind with all manner of pleasant things. Let my mind be transformed, that I may be a better vessel for the purpose of glorifying You. Let me bring great glory to You and Your kingdom. Let me glorify You with all that I do; let me glorify You in all artistic mediums which I am able to.
I desire to glorify You in works of high art; in music, in poetry, in song, in dance, in theatre, in oil painting, through writing, through literary works, and in all manner of genres. O Lord, teach me how to be a great artist so that I may glorify You with my art. You are my Master and my Teacher. O Lord, teach me.