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We are a non-denominational ministry.
Our Beliefs
- We believe that the Bible is the inerrant word of God.
- We believe the writings of the Bible to be divinely inspired.
- We believe that the Bible has been given divine protection through the ages, allowing us to read the preserved word of God.
- We believe in the Trinity: Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.
- We believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah prophesied about in the Old Testament.
- We believe that Jesus is the human incarnation of God the Son.
- We believe that the world is in a fallen state due to man’s disobedience.
- We believe that all of mankind has sinned and that the penalty of sin is death.
- We believe that Jesus Christ became our substitutionary sacrifice, taking the death penalty of sin upon Himself in our place.
- We believe that Christ’s blood was poured out for the remission of sin and that those who accept His sacrifice are forgiven for their sins.
- We believe that those who accept Christ’s sacrifice shall be resurrected on the last day, being given eternal life.
- We believe that following His crucifixion, Jesus Christ was resurrected from the grave and is presently seated at the right hand of the Father in Heaven.
- We believe that Christ’s resurrection has made the resurrection of the dead possible, and that all who lay in the grave will be resurrected on the last day.
- We believe that Christ will return to earth in order to vanquish the wicked and to establish His kingdom upon the earth, which shall be the city of the New Jerusalem, restoring the earth to its Edenic beauty.
- We believe that we will live with Christ in the New Jerusalem, which shall be paradise; the restored Garden of Eden.